А house-hold building Litt. Б with an area of 65.2 sq. m. and a garage Litt. В with an area of 28.8 sq. m

Type of privatization: Small privatisation



Region: Dnipropetrovsk region

Address: 22 Haharina str., Solone small town, Solonianskyi district, Dnipropetrovsk region

Code (registry №):

EDRPOU Code: 37916143

Name: the Office of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine in Solonianskyi district Dnipropetrovsk region (YeDRPOU (USREOU) code 37916143).

Address: 22 Haharina str., Solone small town, Solonianskyi district, Dnipropetrovsk region

Name: А house-hold building Litt. Б with an area of 65.2 sq. m. and a garage Litt. В with an area of 28.8 sq. m

Asset holder EDRPOU Code: 37916143

Asset holder name: the Office of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine in Solonianskyi district Dnipropetrovsk region (YeDRPOU (USREOU) code 37916143).

Asset holder address: 22 Haharina str., Solone small town, Solonianskyi district, Dnipropetrovsk region

Statute capital, UAH: 0.00

Object size: 0

Stake, %:

Starting price: 4 646.02

Starting price: 4 646.02

Way of privatization:

Form of sale:

Privatization status: Sale announced

Date of sale announcement:02.03.2020

Date and time of sale: 01.04.2020

Date of publication of the results of the sale \ suspension \ sale termination:

Type of economic activity:


a one-storeybrickhouse-holdbuildingLitt. Бwith an area of 65.2 sq. m. Theyearofthebuildingis 1966. Slate covering, and a floor is concrete.Aone-storeybrickbuildingofagarageLitt. В with an area of28.8 sq. m.Theyearofthebuildingis 1994. Slate covering, and a floor is concrete.

Registration number of the real estate object:160661112250.

Customer of sale:

Sale organizer: РВ ФДМУ по Дніпропетровській, Запорізькій та Кіровоградській областях (м. Дніпро, вул. Центральна, 6), +38(056)744-11-41