Regional Office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Volyn region offers task for appraisers

Regional Office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Volyn region announces the competition for the selection of appraisers for the independent assessment of the lease objects:
1. shops of joiner's products of 1167,2 sq. m at: 31Andriia Sitka Str., Manevichi village, Manevitskyi district;
2. parts of the premises of the sanatorium- preventorium of 32.3 sq. m at: 30 Yaroshchuka str., Lutsk city;
3. parts of the administrative building of 5.28 sq. m at: 12, Chopena Str., Lutsk city;
4. parts of the House of Design Organizations of 63.1 sq. m at: 38 Kremenetska str., Lutsk city;
5. parts of the premises of the former shop of 44.25 sq. m at: 1 Zavodska str., Zabolottia small town, Ratnivskyi district;
6. parts of the communal consumer complex of 537.57 sq. m at: 7 Brestska str., Liubeshiv small town.
The purpose of the assessment is the definition of market value of objects for the prolongation the lease agreements (Nos. 3-5) and the conclusion the lease agreements (Nos. 1-2, 6).
The contest documentation must be submitted by April 23, 2019 (incl.).
The competition will be held on May 2, 2019 at 10.00.
Information is available in the newspaper "Vidomosti Pryvatyzatsii" of April 17, 2019 No.16.