E-auctions have been announced in Zhytomyr oblast

At the ProZorro.Sale e-trade system e-auctions with terms for a sale of small privatization objects have been announced:
- Non-residential former canteen building in Novoozerianka small town, 1, Zavodska str., Olevsk rayon. Selling price of UAH 177.140 thousand. An auction is scheduled on 11.11.2019. More information is available via the link: https://prozorro.sale/auction/UA-PS-2019-10-17-000010-2;
- unfinished shopping center in Lazarivka village, 7, Naberezhna str., Brusyliv rayon. Selling price of UAH 109.708 thousand. An auction is scheduled on 15.11.2019. More information is available via the link: https://prozorro.sale/auction/UA-PS-2019-10-17-000012-2.