Four e-auctions are announced in Zhytomyr oblast

In the ProZorro.Sale e-trade system auctions with terms for small privatization objects were announced:
- canopy at the address: 6a, Vidrodzhennia str., Novohrad-Volynskyi town. Starting price of UAH 83.295 ths.
- greenhouses at the address: 44, Ushakova str., Novohrad-Volynskyi town. Starting price of UAH 14.964 ths.
- canteens at the address: 21, Mykoly Khorechka str., Radovel village, Olevsk rayon. Starting price of UAH 30.080 ths.
- non-residential building of former canteen in Novoozerianka small town, Olevsk rayon, 1, Zavodska str.Starting price of UAH 177.140 ths.
Auctions will be held on December 23, 2019.