In August, the 4 small privatization objects were sold in Vinnytsia region

The regional office of the SPFU in Vinnytsia and Khmelnytsky oblasts sold through ETS ProZorro.Sale at auctions by the method of step-by-step reduction of the starting price and further submission of price offers for 4 small privatization objects for the total amount of 204.3 thousand UAH:
- building for seasonal workers, 26a L. Ukrainky str., Mykolaivka village, Peschanskyi destrict;
- bath building, 4бSadova str., Dmitrashkivka village, Peschanskyi destrict;
- bath building, 1бShevchenka str., Osolynka village, Litynskyi destrict;
- bath building, 69a Centralna str., Verbivka village, Illinetskyi destrict.