The contests of appraisers have been announced in Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts

The SPFU’s Regional office in Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts announced contests for selection of appraisers which will be involved to independent evaluation of the lease property and which located at:
- Kharkiv city and Kharkiv oblast – 13 objects;
- Donetsk oblast – 7 objects;
- Luhansk oblast – 2 objects;
- a determination of the amount of losses that led to the property damage to the state due to the establishment of the fact of a shortage of fixed assets of an integral property complex structural unit “Laboratornyi Complex” leased out LLC “Marimpeks”.
Competition documentation is submitted until 14-00, November 20, 2019 inclusive.
Detailed information is in the newspaper “Vidomosti Pryvatyzatsii” dated 20.11.2019, No. 47.