A Premise for the Placement of Canteen is Offered for Lease in Energodar town
For the placement a canteen is offered to lease following facilities:
- a premise and a part of premise on the ground and second floors of canteen at the address: 61, Promyslova str., Energodar town. Total area of the object is 58.8 sq. m.;
- a premise and a part of premise on the ground floor of main building of garage at the address: 6, Komunalna str., Energodar town. Total area of the object is 115.0 sq. m.
Lease applications are accepted in the Regional Office up to 27.12.2018.
Inquiries by phone: +38 (061) 226-07-88, 226-07-88, 226-07-89.
Detailed information is available in the newspaper “Vidomosti Pryvatyzatsii” No. 100.