RO in Kyiv, Cherkasy and Chernihiv Oblasts transferred UAH 16 million to the State Budget in November

In November 2019, Regional Office in Kyiv, Cherkasy and Chernihiv Oblasts transferred UAH 16 million to the State Budget from the lease of state property.
From the beginning of the year, UAH 161.92 million came from the lease of state property to the State Budget, which is 124.55% of the annual plan (planned task - UAH 130.0 million).
As of November 30, 2019, there are 791 lease agreements of state property located in the territory of Kyiv region.
Since the beginning of the year, RO has concluded 107 lease agreements of state property, including: 19 - on the results of competition for the right to lease state property, 57 - on the results of the study of demand for rental objects and 23 - with budgetary institutions and organizations, 1 - without holding tender, 7 - short-term lease agreements of property (not more than five days and without the right to extend the term of lease agreement).
Also from 01.11.2019 to 30.11.2019 RO extended its validity under 22 lease agreements of state property.