Lviv Regional Office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine: the conditions of agreements are fulfilled by purchasers in most cases

As of 01.10.2018 the Regional Office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Lviv oblast has audited a fulfilmentof 38 purchase agreements of state property objects concerning to fulfilmentof contract obligations.

After auditing, it was found: obligations of purchasers are fulfilled properly in most cases. During the reporting period two violations on purchase agreements were indentified. Documents on these purchase agreements were passed to the legal department for claim work to imposing sanctions on buyers – returning this privatization objects into the state ownership.

Conditions of 13 agreements were executed in full, and these agreements were taken off control.   

As of 01.10.2018 the Regional Office of the State Property Fund of Ukraine in Lviv oblast controls52 purchase contract of state property.