Khmelnytskii Regional Office announced the competition of appraisers

Khmelnytskii Regional Officeannounced thecompetition of appraisers
The competition will be held on October 12
Khmelnytskii Regional Officeoffers tovaluate the objects of lease:
1) part of the premises with an area of 53.9 square meterson the second floor of the main educational building in the city of Kamyanets-Podilsky on the street Soborna, 1;
2) premises of civil defense warehouses of the second group of 759.7 square meters at the address: street. Tsentralna, 11a, the village ofChotyryboky, Shepetivsky district;
3) premises with an area of 11.4 square meters on the second floor of the administrative building in the city of Krasyliv on the street Bulaenko, 6a;
4) hydrotechnical structures of the fishery technological water reservoir of Fedirka in the villageFedirki, on the territory of the Volohichskiicity united territorial community, Volochyskiidistrict, Khmelnytskiiregion.
The competition will be held on October 12, 2017, at 10:00 in Rivne district, Khmelnytskiiregion(Khmelnitskii, Soborna street, 75).
Phone for information (0382) 79-56-16.
Detailed information in the newspaper "Vidomosti privatizatsii" dated September 27, 2017, No. 76.