The SPFU signed a Memorandum with the State Service of Maritime, Inland Water Transport and Shipping of Ukraine

A Memorandum of Information Interaction was signed between the State Property Fund of Ukraine and the State Service of Maritime, Inland Water Transport and Shipping of Ukraine. The purpose of the document is cooperation and information exchange within the respective functions and powers of the Parties, conducting scientific activities, and other activities that do not contradict the current legislation.

Vitaliy Koval emphasized: "It is important to elevate the level of cooperation between agencies to reclaim lost ships into state ownership and increase rental income for the state budget. Today, it is crucial to strengthen Ukraine's position in all areas, including maritime navigation."

During the meeting, the SPFU team and Yevhen Ihnatenko, Head of the State Service of Maritime, Inland Water Transport and Shipping, agreed on the three primary directions of work:

  • Updating data on state-owned ships;
  • Forming an interagency group of experts from the agencies;
  • Developing tools to increase revenue from rental spaces.

They also discussed successful cases of returning ships from abroad and examples of violations of international maritime conventions.

Reference:The State Service of Maritime, Inland Water Transport and Shipping of Ukraine is part of the International Maritime Organization, which currently has 175 member countries. The main tasks of the agency include:

  • Implementation of state policy in the area of maritime and inland water transport and shipping;
  • Submitting proposals to the Minister of Infrastructure to ensure the formation of state policy in the area of maritime and inland water transport and shipping;
  • Ensuring compliance with and fulfillment of obligations under international agreements of Ukraine in the area of maritime and inland water transport and shipping;
  • Regulation within the powers provided by law, of commercial navigation, and navigation on inland waterways;
  • Conducting state supervision in the area of maritime and inland water transport and shipping, among others.