Cherkassy RO sells medical and sanitary station in Smila

Cherkassy RO sells on the auction in an electronic form a medical and sanitary station in Smila Town on the str. Korobechnik, 1.
Information about the object: two-storey brick building with annexes 409.1 m2. The building has electricity networks, water supply, sewerage, central heating. The object is located on the territory of PJSC "SPE" Smilianskyi Electromechanical Plant ". Land separately not allocated.
Initial price - 670,01 thousand UAH.
Applications are accepted - until 6 p.m. on October 30, 2017.
The auction in electronic form will be held by the Commodity Exchange "First Universal Market "Ukraine"on November 3, 2017 at 11.00.
Additional information is available at Cherkassy RO (Cherkassy, Shevchenko blvd., 205, room 404, telephone number (0472) 37-26-61) and in the newspaper "Vedomosti privatizatsii" dated 02.10.2017, No. 77.