Cherkasy Regional Office announced a competition of appraisers

Regional Office in Cherkasy Region announced a competition for the selection of appraisers to be involved in the evaluation of lease and privatization objects:
To conclude a lease agreement:
1. premises on the 4 floor of a four-story administration building of 30.2 sq. m. in Cherkasy city, blvd. Shevchenka, 205;
2. part of the premises on the 1st floor of the administrative building of 2.0 sq. m. in Cherkasy city, str. V. Chornovola, 243;
3. parts of the premises of shops of 11.7 and 16.1 sq. m. in Cherkasy city, str. Lesi Ukrainky, 21;
4. part of the building of 75.3 sq. m. in Cherkasy city, str. Kavkazka, 237.
To extend the lease agreement:
1. buildings of a kiosk of 20.6 sq. m. in Zolotonosha town, str. Shevchenka, 137;
2. part of the premises on the 1st floor of the building (hall) of 1.0 sq. m. in Cherkasy city, avenue. Khimikiv, 50.
3. part of the premises on the first floor of the administrative building of 17.0 sq. m. in Cherkasy city, blvd. Shevchenka, 205.
For sale at an auction with the conditions of the gas station of 35.8 sq. m. in Shpola town, str. Soborna, 138.
The deadline for filing applications is December 12, 2018, before 16.00.
The competition will be held on December 18, 2018 at 11.00 in RO. Conditions of participation in the competition - in the newspaper “Vidomosti Pryvatyzatsii” dated November 26, 2018, No. 95 and by phone +38 (0472) 37-29-71.