Cherkasy Regional Office announced a competition of appraisers

Regional Office in Cherkasy Region announced a competition for the selection of subjects of valuation activities that will be involved in the independent evaluation of lease and privatization objects.
1. In order to conclude a lease contract of state property:
- parts of the premises on the 1st floor of 9.5 sq. m. at the address: Korsun-Shevchenkivskyi town, str. Vasylia Sergienka, 4;
- parts of the premises on the 1st floor of 8.5 sq. m. at the address: Zolotonosha town, str. Vidrodzhennia, 16;
- parts of the premises on the 1st floor of an administrative building with an area of 9.9 sq. m. at the address: Road Kiev - Odesa 203 km + 800 m (left), Rodnykivska village, Uman district.
2. In order to prolong the lease contract of state property:
- parts of non-residential premises of the first floor of a five-storey building with an area of 24.22 sq. m. at the address: Cherkasy city, lane M. Khanenka, 4.
3. In order to sell at the auction with the conditions:
- SPC of the former state-owned company – “Orizon-Trans” firm in Smila town, str. Promyslova, 13.
The deadline for filing applications is December 5, 2018, before 16:00.
The competition will be held on December 11, 2018 at 11.00 at RO. Detailed information - in the newspaper “Vidomosti Pryvatyzatsii” dated 21.11.2018 No. 94 and by phone: +38 (0472) 37-29-71.