Cherkasy Regional Office announced a competition of appraisers

RO in the Cherkasy region invites appraisers to be involved in an independent assessment.
I. Purpose of the assessment - determination of the value for the calculation of rent and the conclusion of a lease:
1. premises on the 1st floor of an administrative building with an area of 17.3 sq. m in Cherkasy on the str. V. Chornovil, 157.
2. part of the building of the city hospital of veterinary medicine with the area of 119.0 sq. m and the annex of the city hospital with an area of 35.2 sq. m; part of the workshop area of 43.0 sq. m in Cherkasy on the str. Sviato- Makariivska, 133.
3. part of the non-residential premises of the 1st floor foyer of the administrative building with the total area of 1.0 sq. m in Cherkasy on the str. Khreshchatyk, 235
II The purpose of the assessment is to determine the value for the calculation of the rent and the extension of the contract.
1. the first floor building of an administrative building with an area of 12.23 m2 in Cherkasy on the street. O. Dashkevich, 39.
ІІІThe purpose of the assessment is to determine the value for the purpose of privatization on the auction.
1. state share in the amount of 15.03% in the authorized capital of the JLTD "Kaniv incubator" in Kaniv, str. 1 May, 39
2. The premises of the former JSCAIB "Ukraine" with an area of 226.4 sq. m on the ground floor of a two-storey building in the village Lisyanka on the str. Hetman way, 20.
Applications are accepted until 16:00 on October 17, 2017.
The competition will be held on October 23, 2017 at 11.00 in RO in the Cherkassy region at the address: Blvd. Shevchenko, 205, Cherkasy, 18000, tel. 37-29-71.
Additional information by phone 37-29-71 and in the newspaper "Vedomosti privatizatsii" dated September 25, 2017, No. 75.