Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine officially posted on the Government web-portal the Order to approve the conditions of “OPP” privatization.

The CMU Order №386 came into force, on approval of sale conditions of PJSC “Odesa Portside Plant” shares, which was agreed during the Cabinet meeting on May 18, 2016. Also the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine by its Order from 01.06.2016 №391-р made a technical edit in paragraph 1 of the order of CMU dated May 18, 2016 №386, concerning the nominal value of the state equity stake of PJSC "OPP".
"The tender Commission for privatization of "OPP" has determined the starting price in the amount of 13 billion 175 million UAH and the conditions of the plant sale, which are now approved by the CMU, - the Chairman of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, Igor Bilous. – In addition, on behalf of the Prime Minister and the results of the meeting of the working group, it was decided that the competition with openness of the price offer by the principle of auction on sale of state stake of shares of PJSC "Odesa Portside Plant" will be held only in case of presence of at least two participants, one of them must be a non-resident".
The conditions of the competition resulting from the discussion at the meeting of the tender Commission, consisting of representatives of the company, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Ministry of Finance, Odesa Regional State Administration, Special Control Commission on Privatization of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Security Service, National Police of Ukraine and Yuzhniy City Council of Odesa region, as well as representatives of Trade-Union Committee of the company.
In accordance with these conditions, persons who can be buyers of objects of privatization under article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On Privatization of State Property" have the right to participate in the competition. Potential buyers-legal entities are obliged to submit to SPFU a paper on the distribution of share capital among the participants, as well as information about financial and property status. Potential buyers-natural person must provide a certificate of authority of revenues and duties on filed tax returns.
Along with the application for the competition, potential participants also supply information on potential buyers of privatization objects or persons in whose interests the state objects are acquired, their founders, participants, including natural persons – ultimate beneficial owners (controllers).
Legal entities owned more than 25% by the state of Ukraine, as well as state economic enterprises, holding companies, joint-stock companies, their subsidiaries and enterprises, state authorities, employees of state privatization bodies, persons, registered in offshore zones or in countries included in the FATF blacklist are not allowed to participate in the competition.
Also legal and natural entities that are under sanctions or registered in the state, recognized by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as the aggressor state, and associated entities are not allowed to participate.