In 2015 investment in privatized enterprises increased by 2,3 bln. UAH

As at 1 January 2016 investment in privatized enterprises, made by investors, increased by 15,04 bln. UAH. It is by 18% or by 2,3 bln. UAH more than it was provisioned by terms of purchase-sale agreements for this period. According to the terms of agreements, enterprises should have received 12,7 bln. UAH by the beginning of January 2015. In fact, investment made up 15,04 bln. UAH. Such data has been received by the State Property Fund of Ukraine, based on the results of the inspection of performance of purchase-sale agreements of objects of the state property in 2015.
As shown by the results of the inspection, investment in foreign currency also greatly exceeds the numbers provided by the terms of privatization. Thus, privatized enterprises received 1,9 bln. dollars and 72 mln. euro. Agreements envisaged the income of 1,5 bln. dollars and 19,26 mln. euro. (see table).
In total by the end of 2015, according to purchase-sale agreements of shares, objects of uncompleted construction and objects of small privatization, investment income of 27 830,45 mln. UAH was recorded.
Investment according to purchase-sale agreements of objects of the state property on 01.01.2016
Investment envisaged by2021 |
Investment envisaged by 01.01.2016 |
Actual income on 01.01.2016 |
16,4 bln. UAH |
12,7 bln. UAH |
15,04 bln. UAH |
2,2 bln. USD |
1,5 bln. USD |
1,9 bln. USD |
19,26 mln. EUR |
19,26 mln. EUR |
72 mln. EUR |
Besides, owners of privatized enterprises in 2015 secured 3627 and created 271 new workplaces following the respective terms of agreements and by own will of the investors. For instance, according to the purchase-sale agreement of the IPC (Integral Property Complex) “Plant of non-standard equipment “Ukrinmash” the purchaser (“Ukrinmash” Corporation) has to keep 38 workplaces, which existed at the moment of privatization. To date, the enterprise has 62 workplaces.
Purchasers of the shares of OAO “Kvartssamotsvity” (“Stolichne budivnystvo” LLC) and IPC Lytin State Veterinary Pharmacy of Veterinary and Zoo-technical Supply (physical person) has created 20 new workplaces.