Shares of Odesa Portside Plant (OPP) for privatization will be evaluated by UVEKON company

Joint Ukrainian – Hungarian Venture “Uvekon” has won the auction on competitive selection of subjects of evaluation activity for appraising the shares of OPP for privatization. Based on the results of analysis of documents, provided for the auction, this enterprise has received the majority of points – 150. Second-placed is the company with 107 points. Four companies participated in the auction.
The auction on competitive selection of subjects of evaluation activity for appraising the stake of PJSC “OPP” has been announced on February 1st 2016 by the State Property Fund of Ukraine.
Corresponding informational message concerning the auction has been published in “Vidomosti pryvatyzatsii” newspaper dated 1.02.2016 №9 at the SPFU web-site.
According to it, 94,567% of the stake of statute capital is set for evaluation at the open-priced auction according to Addition 1 to the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 03.09.2014 № 861-р“Several issues of privatization” (with amendments), and 99,567% of the stake of statute capital, which will be set for sale at the open-priced auction in the case of amendments to legislation in privatization. Two stakes will be evaluated in parallel to demonstrate to the society the difference in price between unified and divided stake.
On February 16th 2016 Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has supported in the second reading and as a whole the draft-law 2319-d, developed by SPFU, concerning the amendments to privatization legislation, which envisages, in particular, abolition of the provision, which consolidates mandatory sale at stock exchanges of 5-10% of the shares of Group C, D objects before conduction of the tender. Now on the basis of this law, the schedule-plan of privatization will be changed, and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has to unify by its order two stakes of OPP for further sale.
Competitive selection of subjects of evaluation activity was conducted in compliance with the new Order of competitive selection of subjects of evaluation activity, approved Order of the Fund from 31.12.2015 № 2075, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine from 15.01.2016 № 60/28190.
According to Deputy Head of the Fund N.Lebid, with the new Order the Fund has completely reformed the system of competitive selection of subjects of evaluation activity by implementing the mechanism of ranked evaluation, which allows a fair competition between members of the tender and allows privatization bodies to choose as an executive the most experienced subject among all members, which has professional experience and reputation, will conduct the work in compliance with national standards for acceptable price and will be interested in keeping and increasing its good will
“The Order that we developed has a tremendous meaning for securing open and effective privatization of state property procedure, including such objects as Odesa Portside Plant (OPP) and oblenergos”, - says Natalya Lebid.