Prospects for large-scale privatization: The SPFU is looking for Polish investments in strategic industries

During his working visit to Poland, Vitaliy Koval, Chairman of the State Property Fund, met with Jacek Dorkminski, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of State Assets of Poland. They discussed the main areas of work of the SPFU. Particular attention was paid to the large-scale privatization, which begins this summer.

The parties agreed to arrange a visit of the Ministry's delegation to Ukraine. The purpose of the visit will be to explore potential opportunities for large-scale privatization, particularly in the chemical and titanium industries. In addition, the Polish side has expressed interest in the food industry, in particular in bakery plants and distilleries. The delegation will have the opportunity to visit the State Property Fund of Ukraine and familiarize themselves with investment proposals for privatization.

In addition, the parties discussed the potential participation of Polish partners in the creation of logistics centers in industrial parks to be built on the site of abandoned industrial areas (brownfields).